apple ice cream

Apple Ice Cream Recipe

Apples are great, but apple ice cream is epic. It’s a simple recipe that takes healthy fruit and transforms it into a (not quite so healthy) dessert.

The combination of creamy ice cream base with fresh apple is well worth the effort. Check out loads more ice cream recipes here.

Fresh apples ready to be churned.


  • 6 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 2 cups thickened cream
  • 1 cup full cream milk
  • 1 cup cooked apple, cored and pureed
  • 2 tsp cinnamon


  1. Whisk yolks and sugar until pale. Set aside.
  2. Heat cream and milk in a saucepan on medium heat until simmering.
  3. Remove from heat and, while whisking, slowly pour 1 cup of the milk into the yolks.
  4. Pour yolks back into the saucepan of milk and continue heating on a medium heat until the custard base starts to thicken. Don’t let it boil. Remove from heat and whisk in apple and cinnamon.
  5. Add to a container and cool in fridge for at least 3 hours.
  6. Add to ice cream maker and churn as per manufacturers instructions.
  7. Scoop into an airtight container and freeze for at least 2 hours until hardened.

If you want to create a really green ice cream add a few drops of green food colouring.

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    1. Hi Linda, a couple of large apples will provide you with enough for the ice cream, and a little leftover for topping on a pork roast, if that’s what you like 🙂 Cheers, Nate.

  1. Looking forward to trying this recipe but I’m wondering… Do you add sugar or anything to the water when cooking the apples or just simmer them in plain water until soft? Thanks!

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