Creme brulee ice cream

Creme Brulee Ice Cream

The classic Creme Brulee dessert is now an ice cream.

The creme brulee is a classic for good reason: a creamy vanilla dessert topped with a layer of hard caramel. Turn it into ice cream to get a rich, velvety custard base with ribbons of caramel running through it.

Creme Brulee Ice Cream recipe


For the ice cream

  • 5 egg yolks
  • 3/4 cup sugar
  • 1 cup heavy milk
  • 1 cup cream
  • 1 tsp vanilla essence
  • pinch salt to taste

For the caramel

  • 2 Tbsp butter
  • 2 Tbsp cream
  • 4 Tbsp brown sugar
  • Salt to taste


  1. Whisk egg yolks and sugar until pale, set aside.
  2. Heat milk and cream in a saucepan on medium to high heat until simmering. Remove from heat and pour 1 cup of this heated milk into the egg yolks. Whisk as fast as possible while you do this.
  3. Whisk the yolks back into the saucepan of heated milk and then continue heating on a medium heat, stirring occasionally. Once the custard coats the back of a spoon, remove from the heat and allow to cool a little. Then pour into an airtight container and chill for 3 hours or overnight.
  4. To make the caramel, add the butter to a microwave proof bowl and cook for 30 seconds on high.
  5. Add the cream and brown sugar to the butter and mix until combined.
  6. Microwave for another 15-30 seconds until it’s bubbling up.
  7. Stir again until well combined and add salt to taste. Allow to cool.
  8. Churn your ice cream mixture in an ice cream maker as per manufacturers instructions.
  9. As the ice cream is almost ready, streak in ribbons or caramel.
  10. Serve topped with flaked chocolate.

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