Cream types

Types of Cream Around the World

Every part of the world uses different cream terminology based on its fat content. For example, in Australia a popular type of cream is called “thickened cream”. This has a high fat content and is ideal for making ice cream. However, sometimes readers think thickened cream means it needs to be beaten first.

Here is a handy infographic which shows cream terminology in Australia, Canada, UK and USA.

Types of cream around the world

Cream terminology

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One Comment

  1. I’m disappointed you didn’t include New Zealand in your comparison.. They’re only across the ditch, but we kiwis can teach Aussie’s something about milk, cream and all things dairy!

    I’m lactose intolerant in Australia however it’s open season at home in Auckland… Even with the higher fats!

    Dig deeper and notice why the ice-creams are world’s apart! ??

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